In 2023, Washington County saw a total of 3,275 calls to IMPACT 211 for mental health services. Access to individual counseling services is a critical need for the community. To help address this need, the United Way continues to invest in two agencies to provide mental health counseling services to youth for 2024.
Five-Year Target (June 2026)
- 90% of school age children and families in need of mental health services are connected to resources.
- 75% of school age children and families receiving mental health services report improvement in their mental health issue and are able to return to a healthy self-sufficient lifestyle.
- 50% increase in the number of schools providing access to mental health services including individual counseling and group therapy.
Mental Health Services — a Growing Need in Washington County
In 2019, the United Way Vision Council, a group made up of community members, reviewed the needs of and issues affecting Washington County residents. The Vision Council recognized mental health services as a growing need for the community. Not only are more people in need of mental health services, but there is insufficient access to services due to a shortage of mental health providers and cost barriers.
The Vision Council narrowed its focus further through a prioritization process and determined that youth mental health challenges were the top issue affecting Washington County. The COVID-19 pandemic further reinforced the need for increased access to mental health services.
As a result, the United Way approved investments to two nonprofit agencies to provide individual youth counseling services within Washington County.
The Catholic Charities Youth and Family Counseling Program will fill an urgent gap in mental health services for families and youth who are impacted by poverty and lack access to local services. Catholic Charities serves people of any religion, race, culture, or country of origin.
The Youth & Family Project's Youth Counseling Program will provide mental health counseling services for school-aged youth in Washington County who are insured by Medicaid.
The Youth and Family Project will build upon relationships established through the agency’s Crossroads Youth Program with local schools to provide counseling services onsite at local schools in addition to the Youth and Family Project agency building. Therapists will work with school guidance counselors to identify youth insured through Medicaid to be referred to the program.