United Way invests resources to improve local conditions by addressing the root causes of top issues. We're building a community team of individuals, nonprofits, businesses, schools, churches, government, civic and other groups to leverage strategic partnerships and obtain resources in order to effectively and efficiently respond to community-prioritized needs. This is the uniting force for good.
Impact Pillars
United Way supports programs in the areas of Education, Financial Stability, and Health. These are the building blocks for opportunity – both individually and collectively. Education is essential to getting and keeping a job with a wage that can sustain a family and has health benefits. An income that can cover today and save for tomorrow builds a family’s solid foundation. Good health helps children stay on track at school and adults to be productive at work. Remove any of these building blocks and the other two topple. Build them all up and you have a cornerstone for individual and community prosperity.
Community Investment Process
United Way of Washington County funds programs that provide health and human services to Washington County residents. Eligible programs must be able to demonstrate positive, measurable outcomes, and align to the three Impact Pillars. Community volunteers evaluate applications from nonprofit agencies and make all funding decisions.